Filters list and usage

Filters are used to modify data on specific events. You can create functions based on the filters list below with the available parameters. Filters are a great way of modifying results without touching the code.

Usage examples

Here you can see two basic examples of filter usage. One is adding category titles to the result titles, and second is a simple result numbering.

For more examples, check the knowledge base.

 * Add category titles to result titles
 * @link:
add_filter( 'asp_pagepost_results', 'asp_add_category_titles', 1, 1 );

function asp_add_category_titles( $pageposts ) {
  foreach ($pageposts as $k=>$v) {

    // Get the post categories
    $post_categories = wp_get_post_categories( $pageposts[$k]->id );
    $cats = "";

    // Concatenate category names to the $cats variable
    foreach($post_categories as $c){
        $cat = get_category( $c );
        $cats = " ".$cat->name;

    // Modify the post title
    $pageposts[$k]->title  .= " ".$cats;

  return $pageposts;

 * Numbering the results
 * @link:
add_filter( 'asp_results', 'asp_number_results', 1, 1 );

function asp_number_results( $results ) {
  var $num = 1;
  foreach ($results as $k=>$v) {
    // Modify the post title
    $results[$k]->title  = $num . ". " . $results[$k]->title;

  return $results;

Filters list

 * Filters, if caching is not activated 
 * Parameters explained:
 *      $r -> the result object (id, title, content, link, author, date)
 *      $results -> associative array of result objects
 *      $s -> search phrase

$allpageposts = apply_filters( 'asp_pagepost_results', $allpageposts );
$allcommentsresults = apply_filters( 'asp_comment_results', $allcommentsresults );
$buddypresults = apply_filters( 'asp_buddyp_results', $buddypresults );
$blogresults = apply_filters( 'asp_blog_results', $blogresults ); 
$results = apply_filters( 'asp_only_keyword_results', $results );
$results = apply_filters( 'asp_only_non_keyword_results', $results );
$results = apply_filters( 'asp_results', $results );
$s = apply_filters( 'asp_search_phrase_before_cleaning', $s );
$s = apply_filters( 'asp_search_phrase_after_cleaning', $s );

$r = apply_filters('asp_result_before_prostproc', $r); 
$r->title = apply_filters( 'asp_result_title_before_prostproc' , $r->title, $r->id);
$r->content = apply_filters( 'asp_result_content_before_prostproc' , $r->content, $r->id);
$r->image = apply_filters( 'asp_result_image_before_prostproc' , $r->image, $r->id);
$r->author = apply_filters( 'asp_result_author_before_prostproc' , $r->author, $r->id);
$r->date = apply_filters( 'asp_result_date_before_prostproc' , $r->date, $r->id);

$r = apply_filters('asp_result_after_prostproc', $r); 
$r->title = apply_filters( 'asp_result_title_after_prostproc' , $r->title, $r->id);
$r->content = apply_filters( 'asp_result_content_after_prostproc' , $r->content, $r->id);
$r->image = apply_filters( 'asp_result_image_after_prostproc' , $r->image, $r->id);
$r->author = apply_filters( 'asp_result_author_after_prostproc' , $r->author, $r->id);
$r->date = apply_filters( 'asp_result_date_after_prostproc' , $r->date, $r->id);

/* With cache activated */
// The HTML output of cached content 
$cache_content = apply_filters( 'asp_cached_content', $cache_content);

Last updated

Copyright Ernest Marcinko