Results page override

Search Behavior -> Magnifier and Return Actions

Redirection to results page

Before you start, you might want to enable the magnifier or return buttons to redirect to the results page. Please read this section on how to do that.


This option allows you to display the results from Ajax Search Pro instead of the default WordPress search results on the search results page.

NOTICE: This option does not affect the layout nor the styling of the results page.

The override does not seem to work, even though I enabled it. What do I do?

Under the Compatibility Options submenu, click on the Query Compatibility panel, and try enabling the "Do a soft-check only.." option.

Override Method

Some information has to be sent when overriding, so the override handler knows which search instance is the override sent from, what options were selected etc.. and to store that information even when the user paginates through the results page.

There are two ways of doing that:

  • Get (default) - the search override data is appended to the end of the URL as a query string

  • Post - the search override data is sent as post data and stored in COOKIES during pagination

It's a matter of your preference, I recommend using the default Get method, as it does not rely on cookies at all.

Results count per page

This should be set to the same as the number of results originally displayed on the results page!

Most themes use the system option found on the General Options -> Reading submenu, which is 10 by default. If you set it differently, or your theme has a different option for that, then set this option to the same value as well.

Last updated

Copyright Ernest Marcinko