Synonyms are exclusive to the index table engine, supporting any custom post type and media attachment contents.
Synonyms only work with Custom Post Type results: Posts, Pages, Products, Media Attachments etc... Taxonomy terms, user and other type of results are currently not supported!
To use synonyms, the index table engine is required. Before you start with this tutorial, I highly suggest reading up the introduction to the index table.
The synonyms interface can be accessed on the Index Table submenu, under the Synonyms panel.
Managing Synonyms
After making changes (adding/removing) to the synonyms, the index table must be re-created, by clicking on the Create new index option, otherwise it has no effect.
Adding new synonym
To add a new synonym, simply click on the +Add new button on the top of the panel. Enter the desired original word and the synonyms (max. 15), then hit the Save button.
For multi-language environments using WPML or Polylang plugins, you can choose the synonym language as well. Otherwise this option is set to Default (empty).
Editing a synonym
To edit a synonym row, click on the Edit button on the right side of the row. The same editor will appear, that is used to add a new synonym.
Deleting a synonym or deleting all synonyms
To delete an individual synonym row, click on the Delete button. Alternatively, you can delete all synonyms by clicking the Delete all button on the top right side of the panel.
Synonyms as keywords option
This option can be very resource-heavy, when using lots of synonyms (100s of definitions). Make sure to avoid using it, unless it is indeed useful in your case.
This option comes in handy, when the defined original => synonyms pairs should be used as synonyms => original as well.
For example, if there is a definition of keywords and synonyms as:
original => synonym1, synonym2
..then, if this option is enabled, the plugin will also generate these additional definitions during indexing:
In other words, the plugin will also look for keywords synonym1 and synonym2 and index the original keyword and the rest of the synonyms with them.
Export and Import
Export and import feature lets you export the content of the synonyms database, and import it on a different installation, or for simply back-up purposes.
Click on the Export button on the top right side of the panel.
A pop-up window will open. Click the Generate New button, to generate a new export file.
After a short time, a link will appear. Click on it to save the export file on your computer.
The exported file is a .txt file, please do not change the file type.
Duplicate items within the database and the import file are ignored, and not overwritten
To import previously exported synonyms, click on the Import button on the top right side of the panel.
A pop-up window will open. Click on the upload button to upload the import file via the media library uploader, and select it.
After selecting the file, click the Import button. After a short time, the success message should appear, with the number of imported items.
Last updated