Results and Keyword suggestions

Predictive keyword and results suggestions

Results Suggestions

Results suggestions appear when the keyword does not match any results. The plugin will get the first matching keyword from the selected sources, make a search query and if anything matches it will suggests the keyword and the resutls.

Keyword Suggestions

Keyword suggestions appear when no results match the keyword.

Suggestions sources

Currently four different keyword suggestions sources are supported:

  • Google keyword suggestions

  • The search statistics database

  • Post titles

  • Categories, tags and other Taxonomy Terms

You can multiple sources at the same time. Use the drag-and-drop box to select which sources you would like to use. The order matters.

The plugin will go through the selected sources (in order) until a keyword is returned.

Maximal keyword length & count

The maximal keyword length is definable, to avoid lengthy suggestions. Keywords above the defined length (60 by default) will be ignored.

By default the plugins shows 10 keywords, but of course you can change that if you want.

Keyword and Results Suggestion Box Styling

The styling settings can be accessed under the Theme & Styling -> Keyword Suggestions panel, or by clicking on the Go to Keyword Suggestions styling options >> link on the settings.

Last updated

Copyright Ernest Marcinko