Keyword Exception & Exclusions

Excluding keywords or parts of keywords from the search query

Keyword exceptions are applied to the search phrase. Matches are replaced with an empty string (removed).

Location: Advanced Options -> Keyword exceptions panel

Partial (fuzzy) keyword exceptions

These keywords are removed anywhere from the search phrase - including from start, end and middle of the matched words.


Keyword exception - replace anyhwere is set to: word1, word2, word3

  • User types in: "test theword1 word2 testword3test"

  • Search query becomes: "test the testtest"

Notice how every single partial and full occurence of the keywords are removed from the search phrase.

Full (whole word) keyword exceptions

These keywords are replaced only if the full word is matched within word boundaries. This is best to used with common words like: in, at, a, the etc..


Keyword exception - replace anyhwere is set to: in, the, area

  • User types in: "mechanic in the paris area"

  • Search query becomes: "mechanic paris"

Notice how the search query became much simpler allowing broader, yet more accurate matches by ignoring certain common keywords.

Last updated

Copyright Ernest Marcinko